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Ready to Start Funding Your Next Property Deal?

We're in the Business of Building

Funds, Equity & Relationships

Buying & Selling Property

Whether you are in the market to sell or buy property Brewington Associates is ready to help you to secure your next deal. Inquire with our team today about property offers to get started.

Image by Zohair Mirza

Get Property Financing

We’ll be in your corner to support you creating wealth and equity through property investments. Work with our team to secure private money to fund your next property deal.

How to Get Private Money

To begin processing your deal, submit your information via our funding portal.

After submitting your info via the funding portal it's time we explore your path to funds!

Organize your business and property documents needed to apply for funding.

We'll compile your information and send it off to our lenders and private money specialists.

Family Owned & Operated

Brewington Associates is a family owned business that empowers and funds its investors with professioonal support and private money financing. Working with Brewington Associates & Brewington Capital will give you the confidence to navigate the complex world of real estate.

The Document Checklist

Check out our resources to guide you through the submission process


Submit the basic info about yourself, your deal, and funding request.


Present who you are and additional property information.


Ensure all the dollars and cents have been accounted for your funding.

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